FALLin in love with this place

So many beauties here in Zambia (and Zimbabwe and Botswana) that I am just beyond myself. Over the last few weeks we have been able to see many of God's beautiful creations. They take the form of animals, natural wonders, people, and the gorgeous sunsets. 

One of the things I love most, Moms. We visited Victoria Falls on Mother's Day so naturally...

We were able to go to Victoria Falls our second week here. It was breathtaking. I was floored that this thing could naturally occur in our world. I was reminded of how great our Creator was and was overwhelmed with peace. That's something that I have really noticed here, there are far more moments of peace when I am separated from the busyness of my day to day life. There have been countless times during a sunset, sunrise, walk to the market, moment playing with the kids, minute listening to these beautiful people talk about their challenges, second when I meet eyes with a lion etc,. that time stands still and I just feel good and whole inside. I have really felt God's love for the people here and my love has grown for them as well. 

Sunset on the Zambezi River one night from David Livingstone hotel

Just my dreams coming true, it's fine

Our favorite escorts to the bus after home based care

Some brotherly outrage after his sister was picking on him

hiking down to the boiling pots at Victoria Falls

One of our last views at Chobe park before the sun went down


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