Living in Livingstone

WE ARE HERE! And what a trek it was to get here, over 50 hours of traveling. When it's been 3 days since you have slept in any type of bed you are more than ready for it. But once we finally got here it was all worth it! We got settled at the backpacking lodge today and everyone has been super nice. We spent most of the day doing trainings and learning more about African Impact. The program directors are super great and I can tell that they are just wanting to make a difference here in Livingstone. I am really impressed by the volunteers that we have met, they are very committed to what we are doing here.
We will be working as part of the medical project here. African Impact has 8-10 different projects and we will be doing medical in the morning and a variety of community projects in the afternoon. I am excited to go out tomorrow! We will be going to one of the villages to the community farm area to play sports with the kids after school gets out for the elementary kids! Should be fun! I am so wiped though, it has been exhausting traveling all weekend!


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