Home Based Care Adventures
We have seen some pretty incredible things with almost 2 full weeks of going out on home visits here in Livingstone. The way it is set up we split up into 3 groups and each visits a different village or township. Every day we go to a different village and so in one week African impact sends people to 15 different villages/clinics in this area. It's pretty incredible the reach that they are able to have. A typical morning in home based care starts with us getting picked up in the "Muzungu Bus" as it has been named which means "white man-bus" as the little kids shout it from the streets when we drive by their homes or schools. Then we drive anywhere from 5-30 minutes away where we meet out caregivers. The caregivers are people who are familiar with the village and the people who we need to visit. We have a record for each area but they are able to translate and make sure what we tell the patients gets communicated correctly. They are super helpful as their are n...